In a house of 6 with 4 kids under the age of 8...every day is an adventure! The 3 boys are busy and boy o boy o boy crazy! The good Lord looked down and said you've handled it well so here's a girl. So no we are navigating in uncharted waters and living by the seat of our pants...loving every minute of our mayhem. Sit back relax and enjoy a few laughs on us.
3 boys and a girl...a recipe for pure time to write a book, so I blog
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Today is over for all intensive purposes but man, woman and child I am wiped! We (the 3 boys and I) ventured to the zoo tempting the skies to downpour, thankfully it did not, this morning. Innocent enough. It was the afternoon that left this mama begging for mercy and someone to tag off to, but alas the mighty Mo has yet again claimed dibbs on my partner in parenting crimes. First it was the naps...the two little ones took them for 2 1/2 hrs(YES!) Kale, however, felt being a "schoolager" he did not need one, OK fair enough I know they won't give him one at school in the fall so might as well phase that one out over the summer(BIG...HUGE...EPIC MISTAKE!!!!) Not only did I not get anything done because he felt like I should be entertaining him, he decided to make an even bigger mess in the melt down that ensued after I refused to let him watch TV and told him he needed to sharpen his mind in quiet time. Once the other two woke up and dinner was served Dave dealt me the news he wouldn't be home tonite so I had to take the boys to 7pm baseball practice(this was at 615pm mind you). No problem super mom whipped into changed, blanket, stroller, cheerios, sippee cup, dog out of kennel...grass burning back in kennel, cleats on feet, baseball bag in car...this was the point at which Kale went MIA around the back of the house only to return in his socks soaking wet..."where are your baseball shoe's I just put on?" In the back in the mud pit that is Dave's regrading project. He had attempted for reasons only known to him and the Lord above, to retrieve his brother's flip flops from another adventure to the very same mud pit. Kid walked straight out of his shoes. So, off I went to rescue the shoes and the flip flops only to become the pit's third victim along with my jeans, flip flops and car keys(multiple choice words flew!) After a quick hosing and explanation why he would not be wearing his cleats today, we were off to practice...or not...the coach decided to cancel 10minutes before start time...guess who is not on the call list! All was not lost yet though, another teammate and his mom did not get the memo either so his dad met us at the batting cages for 15min of hitting practice. (NOTE there is no such thing as batting cages for 4-5y/o boys so we used the slow pitch softball) After I rounded them up from this little adventure home to bath, bed, teeth brushing and books...though this was not their plans at all. After tears on both sides and light bulbs unscrewed(I am desperate) they are down for the count and I am hoping tomorrow is a better day and somehow I can find energy and patience to last another go around.