So given my love and the boys new found love for the season. Tuesday after school we made a trip to Vala's again so that "Laeth could have fun too". By the look on his face when we put him in the pumpkin bin, I knew it was going to be a hard sell. We flung apples, tackled the Maze- yes the whole thing!, dived into the corn, and jumped on the pillows. It was a great after school little visit and in the end Laeth enjoyed the spoils from the yummy bakery.
Barett decide to try his hand at being an ostrich in the corn bin making Laeth laugh so hard I thought the child would puke. Funny how it didn't seem to phase B at all that he had corn kernals stuck up his nose, in his pants, shirt and places too polite to mention:0) Boys gotta love em
Uncle Tom was back for 3 days before deployment to tide over the savage nephews for a few months since he won't be home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Have no fear, no fun was lost and plenty was had to hold the boys over until they meet again. It's funny how that obnixous little brother I had not so long ago is now the boy's hero and bestest buddy for playing "bear" and telling scary stories about God knows what. I can claim my parents bought him at K-mart on a double discount blue light special day, but the truth is, he is a pretty great guy to have around and I Love him no matter where in the world he is or is going.