It seems that the summers go faster and faster every year. As a kid I remember dreading and rejoicing the 4th of July. It was great because it was time with family, but also signaled the halfway point of summer vacation and time back to school seemed to go so much faster after that point. Now it all just flies by! We had our annual 4th party complete with bounce house, slip n' slides, horseshoes, margaritas (mixed to perfection) and lots of good food, family and friends.
I should say the 4th of July turned into an entire weekend of non-stop action. We climbed a hill to become a mosquito buffet, learned the "art" of Polish horseshoes, and spent time learning why NOT to trust people who tell you there is such thing as a "safe sparkler"(no injuries thanks to some quick thinking by uncle Paul).
Needless to say after that whole weekend of fun we had a hard act to follow and keep little people occupied til the "National Lampoons Sykora Vacation". I feel like we did a pretty decent job, going to the pool at the gym, the park, riding bikes, catching toads(not my idea) and taking walks around the lake. Dave and I have been working pretty oppisite schedules so Sunday was our day together...the 5 of us. Last minute vacation needs tackled, and then off to Grandma and Grandpas pool for a evening swim and deck dinner. Kale perfected his throwing cannon ball. Barett is in the process of learing to swim with his mouth closed. And, Laeth was just content to sit and float, watching his brothers dive for their diving rings. Dave cooked, I became the "launcher" of children. All was well and right for a Sunday night.