3 boys and a girl...a recipe for pure time to write a book, so I blog

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rocky Mountain Turkey

Turkey Day this year was supposed to be the Halm Family getaway-our first family vacation in 15 years...that ws until mom got sick and landed herself a lovely stay in the hospital for a week. Plan revised slightly, the boys and Dave set out early Wednesday morning for the great rocky mountains. I was left home to work and flew out early Friday morning. Turkey day alone was not so bad or alone for that matter. I got the house decorated for a surprise when the boys came home and since Dad stayed back to be with mom, I got some good father daughter bonding time in.

Friday when I had finally arrived the boys were ready and roaring to go out on the mountain. So we signed them up fro ski school, visited Loveland pass and enjoyed some snowy mountain air. Friday night in the middle of a heated game of pool, the power went out to the whole house...not such a big deal at home but up in the mountains when it is 10 below and you are sharing a house with 15 other people it becomes a bit hectic. Thank God for my smartphone "little flashlight app" and a wood burning stove. We enjoyed some laughter and bevarage around the fire. When the power finally came back on at 2am it was lights out for everyone.

Oh and did I forget to mention the dogs...Rigger and Marley

Saturday the boys got dropped off at ski school and Dave, Laeth and I headed for the other side of the mountain to see what we could see. Wind blowing, snow falling, it was a beautiful mountain day.

After a jaunt into the mountains we stopped back at the mountain house for a quick bite to eat and warm up before heading to pick Kale and Barett up from ski school.

At the end of the day Barett loved ski school so much that he refused to take the skis off let alone leave without them. We had a small bargaining session at the base of the mountain for Christmas presents. Overall they both did awesome and cannot wait to hit the slopes again. I suppose we will be hitting the ice hill of Crescent in the very near future to buy us some time until the next ski adventure.

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