3 boys and a girl...a recipe for pure time to write a book, so I blog

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Bunny Beware

Happy Easter 2011! What a whirlwind day it has been...6am wake up call from the bunny himself leaving carrot all over the freshly cleaned floors...3 little boys eyes lit up with all the goodies and treats! Mass for Easter was standing room only but the boys all did well and kept the holy water at a slow simmer rather than the usual full boil. Dave made a stop at the gym and then off to G&G Sykoras for a quick hunt and ceremonial holiday spoiling. After that quick little visit it was off to Aunt Darnan and Uncle Ed's for my side of the family's eating frenzy and egg hunt. With more little kids there was plenty to keep the boys busy and wear them out for the night. The egg hunt this year did not disappoint with plenty of cavity causing loot to be had by all. Surprisingly the boys forfeited readily in hopes of getting in my good graces to stay longer to play...and play they did. Laeth found Mr. Gravity bites hard when he got a little too excited looking out the window and misplaced his hand slipping and giving him his first black eye... :0( Poor little man!  Barett crashed in his own sense by giving up the fight to stay awake 5 minutes into the 10minute ride home. Kale is yet to give up the ghost at 8pm but it is coming...I can feel it in my bones:0) Our day is winding to an end and I have to admit as crazy as it was there is no place I would have rather been!
to all our friends near and far!!

Barett the cheese. Laeth so serious. Kale is up to something

Apparently Laeth is not happy to be playing along

The Easter Tree 3

Quick work caught a brother and not a bunny

Grandpa Larry is SOOOO Funny

They actually teamed up to conquer the egg hunt

Barett's Mad Dash

Kale's on the move
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